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- NC380
This is Noritz's Quick Connect Cable (2 units only)for NC380 units.

Product Category
Water Heater Accessories
General Information
Product Category
Water Heater Accessories
Product Height
1 12/15 Inches
Product Width
5 29/48 Inches
Product Length
11 5/48 Inches
Product Weight
0.4 Pounds
Warranty Information
Parts Warranty
Parts Warranty
A warranty is a safeguard from defects in manufacturing and can vary in length and terms. Some manufacturers require registration for extended warranty benefits, be sure to check out features and the warranty document. To see the manufacturer's warranty statement, click on the Manuals tab. Learn More
5 Years
Noritz QC-1 Reviews & Ratings

Works perfectly, connecting two units using one controller.
By Scott G.
Madison, Wisconsin
Purchased 01/20/2017 |
Review Posted 02/11/2017
I got this connecting cable so that two units work using one controller and in series. If there is low flow usage, then only one unit turns on. When max water flow at the set temp is reached in one unit, the other fires up to provide even water temp supply to all outlets. The controller also switches its primary unit every 8 hours, so that one is not getting most of the wear and tear. Reduces maintenance and more.
It bites this was not done by the plumbing company that installed them 3.5 years ago. I learned of it when also finding out a aquastat and timer should be part of the system as well (for return hot water systems only). So my units are really 7 years old, since they have been running 24 /7 for 3.5 years. Double the service was required within that timeframe as well. Our Nortiz units have been great since 3 items were installed.
It bites this was not done by the plumbing company that installed them 3.5 years ago. I learned of it when also finding out a aquastat and timer should be part of the system as well (for return hot water systems only). So my units are really 7 years old, since they have been running 24 /7 for 3.5 years. Double the service was required within that timeframe as well. Our Nortiz units have been great since 3 items were installed.
Scott G. Recommends This
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Noritz Quick Connect Cable (2 units only)

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