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Mini Split Wall Mounted Unit Guide

Mini Split Wall Mounted Unit Guide

How to Pick the Perfect Mini Split Wall Mounted Indoor Unit

By Ken D.  |  Product Expert

Wall-mounted units are the most commonly found, most affordable option for indoor mini split systems. They're compact, efficient, offer various features you can choose from, and come in a variety of styles.

Furthermore, they're the easiest unit to install, as they simply mount on your wall where the refrigerant lines, drain tube, and connecting wire enter.

Man standing in apartment near wall-mounted mini split

When to Choose a Wall-Mounted Unit

Mounting too low can hamper air distribution. If you have low ceilings or are aiming to condition a furnished attic, you should consider installing a floor-mounted mini split instead.

While it's possible to run the line sets, connecting wire, and drain tubing through your walls to reach interior rooms, it's recommended that these units be installed on exterior walls for the sake of convenience and affordability.

With large or long rooms, a single wall-mounted unit may not be able to provide full coverage of the room. In these cases, it's best to either utilize multiple wall units or choose another style of indoor unit that provides more coverage (ceiling cassettes or ceiling suspended units).


Installing a Wall-Mounted Unit

Mini Split in OfficeThese units must be installed up high on an exterior wall. Each unit includes an easy-to-maneuver, lightweight wall bracket that is secured to the wall first. Then you hang the wall unit on the bracket to secure it in place.

Wall units must be mounted on a vertical wall, so they cannot be mounted on a sloped surface such as the ceiling in an attic bedroom. While you should install your unit high on the wall, maintain the manufacturer suggested clearance between the unit and the ceiling so there's optimal airflow.

NOTE: You cannot mount a wall unit vertically or diagonally. It must be mounted horizontally to function properly.

For ease of installation and a simple drainage solution, units should be installed on an exterior wall. This will allow you to run the connecting wire, line set, and drain tubing directly from outside to the unit through a 3-inch hole.

When you install your mini split wall unit in this way, the condensate can be simply drained out through the drain tube by gravity rather than needing a pump to remove it.

It is possible to install a wall unit on an interior wall, but the process tends to be much more challenging and may require the use of a condensate pump. You should also avoid installing the unit near a TV, a microwave, or any other source of electromagnetic interference to ensure clear communication with the remote.

DO NOT install the unit in direct sunlight or near heat sources. Doing so could lead to inaccurate temperature readings.

Features of a Mini Split Wall Unit

Wall-mounted mini split units offer the most variety in terms of capacity, features, styles, and efficiency.

Some units have a greater cooling capacity and will be more effective at cooling your living space. Others may have better heating capacity and will be more effective at warming your home.

Occupancy sensors can be found in some units, which allow them to detect human heat signatures. If the sensor detects no human heat signatures, it tells the indoor mini split unit to switch into energy saving mode. In some cases, these sensors will also detect under-served areas of the room and adjust the unit's output to ensure balanced comfort throughout the room.

If you live in a place where outside temperatures drop into the single digits or lower in the winter, you will want to make sure that you get a heat pump unit and it's capable of providing heat once outside temperatures drop into the single digits. This is usually referred to as low-ambient operation.

You can also find wall-mounted units in a variety of colors and finishes. LG Art Cool mini splits even allow you to insert your own choice of artwork into a frame on the front, so it will fit into your home decor.

While it's possible to get units that run to a wall-mounted controller, most come with wireless remotes. These are nice, as you can keep the remote with you in the room and adjust the temperature without leaving your seat.

And because wall units are so common, they generally cost 30-50% less than other types of indoor units for mini split systems.


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